Behind This Door … is
Elon Musk's Worst Nightmare
A secret technology could destroy Elon Musk’s empire
and spark a $1.8 TRILLION tech disruption.
Starting Tuesday, August 13, you can get in on the
private company behind this tech — BEFORE they ever IPO.
For your free tickets, enter your email address here:

Dear Investor,
Elon Musk grew SpaceX from a tiny startup … into the most valuable private company in America, valued at over $200 billion …
But behind those doors is a technology that could CRUSH his space monopoly overnight …
… without even launching any rockets.
When that happens, it could spark a $1.8 TRILLION opportunity for early investors.
That’s comparable in size to the artificial intelligence (AI) industry, which is all the rage at the moment.
Very few people have seen this new technology … only those with high-level clearance.
After intense screening and security clearances … we finally gained access.
And Tuesday, August 13, Weiss Members like you will get a sneak peek.
According to our expert this new technology will not only disrupt space tech … but nearly every sector of the economy at once.
From media and agriculture, to aviation, shipping, finance and defense …
… to the ongoing AI revolution …
They could ALL be impacted by what is behind that door.
But you won’t find the company behind this technology on the stock market — at least not yet.
Instead, Weiss Members have the chance to claim an early stake in this company …
BEFORE it is potentially listed on the Nasdaq or New York Stock Exchange …
Before any angel investors …
And before most venture capital firms.
Getting into a company like this, at the bleeding edge of innovation …
It’s a rare opportunity.
To put it in perspective, the last time a disruption this big happened was the launch of SpaceX over 20 years ago …
Early private investors saw gains of up to 740,641% …
Enough to turn a $10,000 stake into more than $74 million.
Unfortunately, there was no way for most people to get into private deals like that back then …
But starting Tuesday, August 13, at
2 p.m. Eastern, all of that changes.
Because Weiss Members like you are invited to be among the first investors in what could be the next great mega-disruptor before it potentially goes public.
This is going to be this summer’s premier investing event.
Because this deal was personally selected by Weiss Ratings’ Private Deal Hunter, Chris Graebe.
Chris is an early-stage investor who’s invested alongside billionaires like Mark Cuban and Kevin O’Leary.
He’s put his money in 25+ private companies. These were startups valued at just a few million dollars in total when he first invested. Today, they’re worth a combined $750 million and counting — including the ones that didn’t work out.
Since teaming up with Weiss Ratings, Chris has shown Weiss Members how to claim early stakes in what could be some of the hottest private deals in America …
Like Paladin Power, an energy tech company which scored a letter of intent for $240 million of new business … AFTER Weiss Members got to invest.
Taste of Nature, a confectionery company that landed a deal to sell their products in Costco locations nationwide …
And not one … not two … but THREE amazing private AI companies.
After an exhaustive period of due diligence, Chris believes this next deal could be the best one yet, for 4 reasons:
FIRST, this private company is using a very unexpected technology to disrupt one of the biggest and most important sectors on earth …
Most people have no idea that modern civilization is, quite frankly, completely dependent on satellite networks and will continue to be for years to come …
Companies in nearly every industry are using them now.
And the sector is expected to see nearly 20X growth in this decade …
Right now, Elon Musk has a “de facto monopoly” on satellite launch services.
Fortune 500 companies … NASA … even the military …
They all had to kiss the ring and pay Elon’s high prices to get to space.
But this undiscovered company has a new way to get to orbit for 92% less than what Musk charges …
WITHOUT using rockets.
Instead, it uses the technology we’re going to reveal in this hangar on Tuesday, August 13.
And I can assure you, what’s behind this door could have the world’s richest man worried he could lose his $200 billion empire overnight.
SECOND, private deal shares are NOT affected by market downturns.
This is good news for anyone concerned about the recent stock market downturn. Unlike regular stocks, investments in private company shares are insulated from the daily ups and downs and drama of the market.
If you’re looking for a less volatile place to put your money, private deals are the right opportunity at the right time.
Especially this one, because …
THIRD, this is no ordinary private deal. It’s an Alpha Round deal.
The Alpha Round is one of the earliest rounds of funding … And historically, it’s one that has produced some of the greatest possible returns.
This is an opportunity that used to be reserved only for the most well-connected angel investors and venture capital firms. But now … it’s yours.
How much of an advantage does this give you? Consider these real cases:
- IPO investors in Facebook (Meta) could’ve made 4,161% … but one Alpha Round investor made over 297,000% returns (71 times more).
- IPO investors in Rocket Lab may have thought they’d be ahead of the curve with AI … but today they’re down 50%. But even with that stock doing poorly, Alpha Round investors are still up 16,942%. Enough to turn a $10,000 stake into $1,704,200.
- IPO investors in Uber could have made 56% … but Alpha Round investors are up as much as 2,701,297% … over 48,000 TIMES greater returns … Enough to turn a mere $1,000 into more than $27 million.
Looking ahead, no one can promise investors will make THAT much money. And of course, losses are also possible.
But we DO promise you a seat at the table …
We’ll show you how to get in on this undiscovered space gem … the same company Elon Musk is likely terrified of …
At the Alpha Round level.
And you’ll have access the very first day the deal opens.
That means you’ll have the chance to invest …
Before angel investors …
Before venture capital firms …
Before any giant investment banks get a seat at the table.
FOURTH, the cherry on top: this company has definite plans to go public.
With many startups, it’s unknown if and when the company will go public and offer private investors a chance to cash out.
Sometimes, it never happens at all.
But according to the company’s filing with the SEC, they could be listed on the Nasdaq or NYSE very soon.
And that could mean huge potential rewards for any Weiss Members who invest before that happens.
Remember, early private investors have historically made gains up to 48,000 times greater than anything IPO investors could ever hope for.
On Tuesday, you’ll get to see the proof for yourself.
And you’ll have the chance to be one of the very first investors in a private company that is driving a $1.8 TRILLION disruption.
It all starts on Tuesday, August, 13 at 2 p.m. Eastern.
Here’s everything you need to know:
“Weiss Ratings Presents: Summer 2024 Private Investment Summit”
Then, check your inbox for my confirmation email with the link and instructions to attend.
Plus, we’ll be following up via email or text messages with exciting materials and videos to help you prepare for this major event.
We can’t wait to see you there!
John Burke,
Weiss Ratings Summer 2024 Private Investment Summit
To reserve your seat, simply enter your email address in the box below.